Hips: B1 (x-rayed & read in Belgium) - 6-6 (official U.K. score) Eyes: clear oct. 2016 Age: 21/02/2005 - 03/09/2018 |
Specs: Miss "Beauty". She will seduce you in a second. A little girl full of tenderness. Emma loves to be cuddled. In two words, Emma is our "golden heart,our sweetheart". A typical golden ! Palmares: 2 Best Puppy of breed 3 CAC-1 BOB - 1 CACIB - 3 RCAC Belgian Champion 2007 - Luxemburg Champion 2008 |
Pedigree : Ch. Inassicas Coriander & Whistlestar's Arsouille
Ch. Inassicas Coriander (Phillip)
Ch. Cheers Way of the World
Ch. Shanlimore Baronet
Cheer's Nathalie
Inassicas Sea Mayweed
Stenbury Waterwing Shot
Inassicas Chacarelle
Whistlestar's Arsouille (HD/A)
Multi Ch. Peche du Val d'Alvaux
Moviestar's James Dean
Mistral du Val d'Alvaux
Multi Ch. Upsilon of Bridge Four
Ch. Sansue Lord of the Manor (HD/B)
Ch. Secret Fantasy vd Beerse Hoeve (HD/B)